Wellington Children's Centre

Wellington Children’s Centre will provide a caring, relaxed, safe and stimulating environment catering for all areas of the individual child’s needs.

Curriculum Statements


The nursery curriculum follows the national guidelines outlined in the Scottish Office Document ‘a Curriculum for Excellence.’ the staff use the experiences and outcomes for planned learning to ensure that all children have opportunity to have a broad general education. Staff have now implemented the outcomes and four capacities into their plans and are currently working on developing the 7 Principles.

Centre Hours & Fee's

Centre hours are 7.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

  • Breakfast Club (school): 7.30 a.m – 8.45 a.m
  • Daily nursery session: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
  • Blended care session: 9.00 a.m – 12.00 p.m
  • Out of School Care: 3.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Development and Progress

The nursery planning is child lead and through following the children’s interests we use Mind Maps to plan with children’s ideas and comments. These comments are then collated and displayed on the Mind Map for the parents to look at. We use learning stories to record their development and progress throughout the year and each child has an individual profile which parents are encouraged to access regularly.

Quality of Learning and Teaching

The nursery is a bright and stimulating learning environment and provides opportunities for learning through play. There is recognition of the sensitive balance between children’s needs to explore independently and opportunities for staff to extend learning. Choices offered to children take into account the various ability levels of the children, with children being encouraged to make independent use of resources and whether they wish to play individually or in groups. There is a good balance of free play and adult led activities with staff interacting very effectively with the children.

Support for Children and Families

Staff are responsive to the individual needs of the children and their families. Support and working with parents is one of the strengths of the nursery. A healthy snack is provided daily and we also take part in the Tooth Brushing Programme.


The nursery is a welcoming, happy environment in which the children feel safe and secure. Staff encourage positive behaviour and promote this by effective use of praise. Children’s achievements are celebrated and their work is nicely displayed to give them a sense of pride. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the nursery by being on the Parent’s Committee, helping with the lending library, assisting staff on outings and promoting fundraising.

Quality of Learning and Teaching

The nursery is a bright and stimulating learning environment and provides opportunities for learning through play. There is recognition of the sensitive balance between children’s needs to explore independently and opportunities for staff to extend learning. Choices offered to children take into account the various ability levels of the children, with children being encouraged to make independent use of resources and whether they wish to play individually or in groups. There is a good balance of free play and adult led activities with staff interacting very effectively with the children.


Our nursery has a very good range of resources that are label and pictured to allow children access to them. Staff ensure these resources are well maintained and cleaned by rotation. We have very good physical play areas with access to the Gymnastic Coach twice a month and daily access to the secure outdoor playarea in the front of the building. The layout of the nursery is reviewed regularly to ensure most effective use of space.

Management, Leadership and Quality Assurance

The last Care Commission Report highlighted the good leadership given to the nursery by the manager. There is also evidence of effective staff team work with the monitoring and evaluation policy now implemented into the running of the establishment. All staff work together to promote continuous improvement in all areas of the centre’s life with parents and children being consulted and their views valued.