Wellington Children's Centre

Wellington Children’s Centre will provide a caring, relaxed, safe and stimulating environment catering for all areas of the individual child’s needs.

Child Protection

We follow Inverclyde Council’s Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures (see Child Protection Policy) and work closely with other agencies to support children. Child Protection Officer is Head of Centre.

Education Services work very closely with other agencies namely Strathclyde Police, Social Work Services, NHS greater Glasgow and Clyde and the Children’s Reporter to support children.

Common responsibilities of all staff are to protect children from abuse and exploitation, to respond appropriately when abuse is identified, and to ensure whenever possible that all children are able to exercise their right to be raised in a warm, stimulating and safe environment with the support of staff, their families and carers.


Child Protection leaflets are displayed in the Centre for your information.

Inverclyde Council

Inverclyde Council Education Services has Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures which all schools and establishments are required to follow.



Your child may need to be collected from school by car on occasion depending on staff issues. If this situation is likely for your child you will be asked to complete a parental consent form confirming this is acceptable to you and your child. A copy of the staff members Car Insurance Policy is kept on file for you to access.


Our aim is to protect the health and safety of the children, parents, carers, students, staff and visitors within the Centre. Parents and carers are responsible for their children whilst the children are not in the care of the staff.

All accidents are recorded and reported to parents/carers who will be asked to sign the appropriate accident form by staff members only. Students should not deal directly with accidents but should inform a member of staff.

Children should only be given over to the parent/carer unless the parent/carer has specifically identified another adult to pick the child up.


We have embedded the Curriculum for Excellence Outcomes and Four Capacities as well as Assessment is for Learning Strategies into the plans of the establishment and have successfully introduced the 7 Principles of the curriculum to staff, children and parents through a Principles of the Curriculum wall.

This has now been extended to include the entitlements as well. Opportunities are provided for free play as well as more structured activities and we endeavour to respond to the needs and interests of individual children by being as flexible as possible. Children are encouraged to be involved in their own learning and are supported by staff in this area.


Individual observation records and discussions amongst staff ensures that each child’s stage of development can be monitored effectively.


Parents/carers are given the opportunity to discuss their child’s development and progress at anytime through the session. Your child’s profile is available for you to view when you wish to and your child’s keyworker is available to discuss these profiles with you at the end of each block or at your request.


Children are normally transferred between the ages of 4.5 and 5.5 years although this may be negotiated in exceptional circumstances. The key to effective communication between the early years establishment, school and parents.The transition process will begin early in the pre-school year and continue into early primary 1.


To ensure that you child receives the best quality care and education we ask that he/she attends regularly. If your child is ill or not able to attend nursery we would appreciate if you could telephone on first day of absence.


The nursery will work in partnership with parents/carers and other professional agencies to ensure that all children’s additional support needs are met. Every member of staff has a responsibility to support the learning of all children.

The type of support offered will vary according to the needs of children. This includes:

Partner agencies may be asked to offer support where necessary.


We encourage home links through monthly newsletters, questionnaires, discussions with parents/carers, letters to parents about specific outings, lending library and fundraising activities. Other relevant information such as parent’s days are displayed on our notice boards in the Hallway. Our Establishment is run by a Parent’s management Committee and all a parents are welcome to join and be a part of this committee.


We have developed links with the community and have very positive relationships with the other local nurseries and feeder schools. We either invite a variety of visitors to the centre including the fire, Police, Postal Services and Rangers from Cornalees to share their knowledge with the children or we go to visit them. We also visit other local places of interest such as The Vet, Pet Shop, McLean Museum, Cardwell Nurseries, Fun World, local parks to enhance the children’s knowledge of their environment. We also work closely with the Speech and Language Unit, Eye Screening, Nutritionist and Psychological Services.


It is our aim to have a positive ethos in the centre where the individual child feels safe and happy. We aim to promote positive behaviour, ensuring that limits are clearly defined and adhered to and to promote good social skills. When dealing with the individual child, good behaviour is encouraged through positive reinforcement and working with parents/carers where appropriate.


The following is a brief statement about the need for suitable clothing to be worn including Inverclyde’s Policy on the wearing of jewellery. There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school such as items of clothing which:

Parents are asked to ensure that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are not brought to the establishment. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and claims submitted are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent


We recognise the importance of physical play to promote good health and general well being. Physical play takes place either indoor in the playroom, or outside daily. We go out in all types of weather therefore would ask parents to make sure their child has on suitable clothing such as hats in the summer, coats in the winter.


Only prescribed medicines can be administered. Parents/carers prior to the medicine being given must complete a parental request form. A strict record is kept of medicines administered. In the event of an accident your child will be attended to by an appointed first aid person and if further treatment is required you will be informed immediately. If your child takes ill whilst in our care we will inform you or your emergency contact immediately. We will ensure your child is comfortable ad comforted until collection.


It is our aim to promote healthy living through all areas of the curriculum. We implement healthy eating through planning an appropriate choice of snack menu, where the children choose from a variety of healthy foods and either water or milk to drink. If your child is staying all day any appropriate food will be stored in the fridge. We also encourage basic hygiene such as hand washing before eating and after using the toilet.


There is no smoking any where in the premises. If you wish to smoke you must go outside and away from the main entrances to the establishment. This is in accordance with Inverclyde Council’s Smoking Policy.


Information on children, parents and guardians is stored on a computer system and may be used for teaching, registration, assessment and other administrative duties. The information is protected by the data Protection Act 1998 and may only be disclosed in accordance with the Codes of Practice. For further information please contact the establishment.


We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. We may be affected by severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or reopening. we shall keep in tough by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches, local press and local radio stations.


Complaints may be resolved by speaking to nursery staff or a committee member. A list of committee members can be found in this book. Complaints may be given verbally or in writing, we realise that it can be difficult and worrying to complain, however we will try to help you as much as we can to resolve any problems. Letters of complaint should be addressed to:

The Chairperson, 

Wellington Children’s Centre,

19/21 Lynedoch  Street, Greenock 

PA15 4 AB

Anne McIntosh,

Care Inspectorate,

Floor 4, 1 Smithhills Street, Paisley



Fire Drills are carried out on a monthly basis to ensure that children are aware of the procedure and kept safe at all times. The fire alarms are tested weekly to ensure working order. In the event of a fire we will ensure that all children and staff are accounted for prior to exiting the building and also on arrival at the designated area (the play area in front of the establishment).  In the event of a fire students are asked to assist staff in evacuating the children from the establishment. Parents are not responsible for their child at this time.

All our policies are available in the hallway for you to read and if you would like more information please ask a member of staff.